Dołącz teraz
Pozostało na zgłoszenie: 41 dni
Ofertę wybrało: 4 osoby

Miejsce wykonywania zadań:

Grójecka 42
02-320 Warszawa

Czy organizator akceptuje zgłoszenia od grup (np. wolontariat pracowniczy/szkolny):


Conducting classes in English / Prowadzenie zajęć w jęz. angielskim.

Biblioteka Publiczna w Dzielnicy Ochota Warszawy. Przystanek Książka.

Conducting classes in English / Prowadzenie zajęć w jęz. angielskim.

Opis projektu

Project description: The first language conversations "Get Talking" took place 16 years ago and to this day they have enjoyed the constant interest of participants, as well as being a permanent element in the calendar of activities in the "Przystanek Książka" Library. Over the years, the team of volunteers was co-created by people of different professions and nationalities whose common denominator was and is a very good knowledge of English, and the desire to share this skill with others. In the group, which is formed by the leader, participants, as well as the volunteer supervisor in the "Get Talking" project, exchange knowledge, inspire, show how to break the barrier of communicating in a foreign language. Volunteers can also count on the support of the Library employees in organizational matters.


  • Tasks: Preparing and conducting classes (conversations) in English. *** Przygotowanie i prowadzenie zajęć (konwersacji) w języku angielskim.

Ile czasu?

Classes are held once a week (Tuesdays), 6:00 PM - 6:55 PM. The volunteer leads 1-2 classes per month.

Minimalny wiek wolontariusza

18 lat

Dodatkowe wymagania

Additional requirements: We are looking for people with very good knowledge of oral and written English, final year students and graduates of English studies, as well as native speakers, who are: reliable; energetic and communicative; committed and passionate; open to creative teaching methods; and like to work in a team. *** Szukamy osób: – z bardzo dobrą znajomością języka angielskiego w mowie i piśmie, mile widziani studenci ostatnich lat i absolwenci filologii angielskiej, native speakerzy, – otwartych na kreatywne metody nauczania, – energicznych i komunikatywnych, – zaangażowanych.

Oferujemy - świadczenia dla wolontariusza

We offer - benefits for volunteers including: cooperation within the framework of the volunteer agreement (NNW insurance) – references confirming the volunteer's competences (on request); the opportunity to gain experience in organising workshops and working with a group; acquiring knowledge of the functioning of the library "behind the scenes"; integration with the facility's team; as well as good fun and a pleasant time! If this sounds like an attractive proposition, we encourage you to make an appointment with Małgorzata, the volunteer coordinator at the Public Library in the Ochota District of Warsaw, ul. Grójecka 42. Contact times: Friday (9:00 to 19:00) and Saturday (9.00 to 15.00). Phone: 822-38-06, or